Birdatlas III

The Bird Atlas is Denmark’s third map on the distribution of Danish breeding bird species. As many as 1.468 volunteer bird watchers have entered 398,755 sightings into the Atlas database covering a total of 2,255 designated observation sites all over the country.
The first atlas was published more than 40 years ago, and the second atlas approx. 20 years later. The most recent data thus provide a unique opportunity for studying the development in breeding distribution over the past four decades.
Completion of the Atlas has been conducted in three separate field studies.

  1. The basic field work of recording all breeding bird species on observation sites of 5×5 square kilometers, have been categorized into the following 3 classifications: confirmed, probable and possible breeding.
  2. A species population count (or estimate) of 18 preselected rare breeding bird species on each site.
  3. Estimated species population densities of common birds across the country, both in summer and in winter.

The Atlas III project is financed by the Aage V. Jensen Naturfond and has been made possible by the contributions of the volunteer bird watchers who have generously donated both time and energy to the project.


Atlas III (