

Maremani Nature Reserve

Education and information on natural values and environmental issues – South Africa

Maremani Nature Reserve is dependent on the support of the local population if natural values and in particular vulnerable animal life are to be preserved in the long run.

The Foundation therefore attaches great importance to education and information on natural values and environmental issues in the local communities with the purpose of disseminating knowledge about the natural environment and its wildlife and creating understanding of the importance of preserving these values out of regard for the coming generations.

The neighboring schools to the reserve have received new facilities and a new kindergarten, and the Foundation has invested in a bus that takes school children on guided tours in the reserve 2-3 times a week all year round. This way many children get an opportunity for the first time to meet the large animals and express their enthusiasm as they learn all along about the biodiversity of the savannah.

Due to the covid-19 pandemic we have sadly been forced to temporarily cancel the weekly school trips.