We aim to achieve this through collaboration and comprehensive communication programmes that highlight the importance of protecting endangered wildlife and natural habitats to the general public.
Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation want to conserve biodiversity for the benefit of people and nature by funding, mobilizing and strengthening our partners and the conservation community. The greatest impact will be achieved by:
- Consolidating existing projects and seeking synergistic effects from Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation’s previous projects
- An increased focus on projects, financial sustainability and attracting further resources
- An increased focus on our role as a change-agent driving catalytic changes
- Increased focus on capacity building of key local partners for long term sustainability
- Influencing the conservation agenda and collaborating with fellow donors by engaging with local communities and agendas
Over the years, Aage V. Charity Foundation has donated money to projects in large parts of the world, which are shown on the map. Going forward, Charity will primarily support projects in the focus areas below:
- Denmark
- Greenland, Faroe Islands and Arctic area
- Balkan, East & South Mediterranean Basin; Focus is on collaboration and partnerships with other Foundations and Donors and on creating and funding Donor’s Initiatives like DIMFE.
- Global – focus is on areas of global importance for nature that need protection including some of the world’s most important Key Biodiversity
Areas- Coastal areas in Central and South America
- Coastal states in Central West Africa
- The area between Rift Valley and Eastern Arc in Eastern Africa
- South-East Asia and Indonesia